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Tom Scharstein

Tom R Scharstein is an entrepreneur from Cincinnati, Ohio. He co-founded the current Cincinnati Chapter in 2010.

“Stuttering makes obtaining employment difficult. At times, VERY difficult. ”


"Pre-interview, a brief education for the interviewer about stuttering would be EXTREMELY helpful to the PWS.  The first 20 seconds are CRITICAL in the interview process.  It’s the “make or break” period.


"Self-imposed pressure."  Putting yourself into situations where speaking may or may not be required, voluntarily.  Situations with absolutely NO consequence to your person or professional life.  You do it simply because you WANT to; you don't HAVE to."

""middle" management has more of a problem with stuttering than "upper" or "top tier" management.  The middle managers are DIRECTLY responsible and accountable for the people who stutter’s performance, and stuttering tends to be viewed as a detriment instead of an asset. Middle managers seem to exist in a constant state of “ struggle,” fear, and stress, due to the high demands placed upon them. That would be the thing to change: Why stuttering is an ASSET."

646-689-6445    |